Monday, March 25, 2013


I  love to research the History of the older Hymnals, the old red back hymnals & hymnals alike are almost a thing of the past the song I Am Determined To Hold Out To The End was written by Leander Lycurgus Pickett & copyrighted in 1909


Pickett was a Meth­od­ist evan­gel­ist who con­duct­ed meet­ings in a num­ber of states and at Ho­li­ness camp­grounds. He and his wife Lu­die served in north­east Tex­as, Co­lum­bia, South Car­o­li­na and pos­si­bly else­where, be­fore set­tling in Wil­more, Ken­tucky. The two of them were pro­mi­nent lo­cal play­ers in the found­ing of As­bury Coll­ege in Wil­more in 1890, and Le­an­der served as the fi­nan­cial agent of the board of trust­ees for ma­ny years. The Picketts al­so helped by board­ing young min­is­try stu­dents from As­bu­ry, among whom was mis­sion­a­ry E. Stan­ley Jones. In 1905, a pray­er meet­ing among the stu­dents at the Pick­ett home spilled out to the As­bury cam­pus in a re­viv­al that spread around the town of Wil­more. Per­haps the Pick­etts’ great­est gift to the world was their son, J. Was­kom Pick­ett, who at­tend­ed As­bu­ry Coll­ege and be­come a mis­sion­a­ry to India, ris­ing as high as Bi­shop of the Meth­od­ist Church in In­dia.

read  more about his wife here as you read you will come across  a link on their son & the ministry he’s in, this is the first song I’ve come across that is packed with so much History


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