Friday, March 28, 2014


The Story Behind Count Your Blessings

Johnson Oatman, Jr. grew up in New Jersey in the middle of the 19th Century singing hymns with his father. His life is a testimony to the legacy left by a loving Father who sings praise to God with his children! Johnson grew up to become a bi-vocational Methodist minister and he wrote over 5,000 hymns, including Count Your Blessings in 1897. Count Your Blessings is considered his finest hymn and for over one century it has been one of our most loved hymns. It’s a song of thankfulness to God that his sung by English speaking people around the world on Thanksgiving Day and all year long. see more on the History of Count Your Blessings

Have you counted your blessings lately?  Did you know that the word Blessing means something or someone contributing to happiness, well being or prosperity? To be blessed is to enjoy happiness,Have you stopped to thank God for all the blessings he’s blessed you with lately?

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