Monday, March 7, 2011


Is this your story? we had a fantastic Sunday service, broken hearts were mended,spirits were lifted, faith was restored,God's power was revealed

looking forward to our Ladies meeting tonight where I will be speaking on compassion,we first think of the good Samaritan,have you ever thought about the fate of Moses had the pharaoh's daughter not had compassion on him when she found him along the river bank where his mother had hid him because pharaoh had ordered all male babies to be killed

research the word compassion, you'll find words like "aid" "mercy" & 'support"as well this one little word will take you into a deep & fulfilling search. more importantly had it not been for the compassion Jesus had for us which led him to the cross where would you & I be today


Deanna said...

God bless you and may you have a wonderful week.
Blessed Assurance...Jesus is mine!

What a huge huge blessing.

Thankful that I know Jesus as my personal Savior and am filled with His Holy Spirit,
d from Home Haven

countercrafts said...

Thank you so much for your blog! Blessed Assurance...Jesus is Mine! Old song with current and comforting words! Thank you, Jesus! Take Care and God Bless! Donna