Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This is week one of the Hidden Joy on line study with Melissa @

scriptures for this week are:

John 16:33

John 14:1

John 14:27

Matt 19:26

Isa 43"18-19

weekly schedule from Melissa's blog:

Monday- Read the sections of Hidden Joy, titled “With Gratitude…” and “Our Journey BEGINS.” After reading, record in your journal your thoughts about proceeding through this study. What do you hope to gain through this study? What are your doubts about going through this study? Fears? What is your goal? Record a prayer for yourself. Write honestly to God. Be real, no masks, no hiding. If you are willing, share your prayer for yourself on Melissa’s blog today, but if you want to keep it between you and God, that’s totally fine too! It’s good to pray for yourself. Don’t ever feel selfish about doing that. In John17, Jesus prays for himself, His disciples, then for future believers. He begins with Himself. If it’s good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for us!

Tuesday- Read chapter 1 which, honestly, is hard to read. Wendy tells the story of her rape. She doesn’t hold back, she shares this for what it was. And she shares her doubts and fears. She shares the ugliness and loss of life as she knows it in her experience. As you read, use your highlighter to highlight things that stick out in your mind or you may want to return to later. Write a prayer for your sisters who are also in this study with you. Share the prayer on Melissa’s blog if you wish. It sure will be encouraging to read all those prayers for each other!

Wednesday- After reading chapter 1 yesterday, we are still left with Wendy hopeless. Can you relate to that? Still feeling hopeless? Well, this is where the study gets good! Turn to “Reflection and Study” section of your book on p. 177. Today, complete the questions for chapter 1 on p. 178-179. Record your answers in your journal. Read Wendy’s prayer for our journey together on p. 179. Read it aloud. Decide to believe this prayer for you…for all of us.

Thursday and Friday- Catch up days. Check Melissa’s blog for a new post or maybe a Vlog. (Video blog)

Saturday- This is Melissa’s day of rest. There will be no post on this day. She is somewhere having a fun day doing something she enjoys She’s not working today. Make sure you do this at least once a week too!

If you are on Facebook, make sure to check out my Online Bible Studies Facebook Page. Here’s the link:

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