A New Years Prayer
A New Years Prayer Free Inspirational Wishes eCards, Greetings from 123greetings.com
The study of Proverbs with Proverbs 31 ministries was a wonderful & enlightening study, now join me with Wendy Pope host of WALKING WOMEN THROUGH THE WORD http://wendypope.org/psalm-study/ beginning in Jan.join in on the Psalm study “Trusting God for A Better Tomorrow
Santa lives at the North Pole JESUS is everywhere
Santa rides in a sleigh ... JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year ... JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies ... JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited ... JESUS stands at your door and knocks, and then
enters your heart when invited.
You have to wait in line to see Santa ... JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap ... JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, what's your
name?" ...JESUS knew our name before we were born...Not only does He know our name,
He knows our address too
.He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly ...JESUS has a heart full of love
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO ...
JESUS offers health, help and hope. Santa says "You better not cry"
...JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you."
Santa's little helpers make toys ...
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts,repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle but ...JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree ...
JESUS became our gift and died on a tree....The cross.
Put Christ Back In Christmas..
Jesus Is Still The Reason For The Season!
Amy is now hosting Luke in 26 Days Bible study
finishing up the final week of A Confident Heart ,this has been a wonderful & enriching study
with so many great devotionals, Bible studies etc out there that there should be no reason not to be able for any of us to not grow deeper in the word,whether it be a scripture at a time, a chapter at a time, a page from a good inspirational book,& just start reading
Isaiah 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
Lamentations 3:25 The LORD [is] good unto them that wait for him, to the soul [that] seeketh him.
Luke 11:10 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened
Deuteronomy 4:29 But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find [him], if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.
Day 31 is here! When I think of Proverbs I usually think of the virtuous woman but when you go through & really absorb the word & use Amy’s soap application you see proverbs in a different light
S…scripture, which scripture do you feel God is speaking to you
O… observation , what might he be telling you in that scripture
A…application , how can you apply the scripture to your life
P…prayer, what is your prayer to ask God in helping you make that application
did you know that there are over 10 chapters that talk about the mouth?
there is life & death in the tongue & we need to be careful what we say & how we say it (18:21)
have you enjoyed going through proverbs in 31 days, did you learn something you didn’t know before , do you have a favorite chapter?
proverbs 31
the virtuous woman takes care of her household, she rises up early to prepare for her day, she gardens, she sews, she does the shopping, ,she makes her husband proud, he knows he can trust her, she ministers to the poor , wisdom & kindness comes out of her mouth, she tends to household chores & is not idle, her lifestyle is know by the fruit she bears & praised in the gates
This Thanksgiving we were blessed to be able to visit my brother-n-law & his family in Virginia along with my father-n-law, it was a long trip but so worth it ,there are so many things to be thankful for, what a blessing to be able to be able to come into the presence of the Lord & when we enter into that secret place where he calls us friend & we know that we are his & he is ours
be sure to visit Jennifer & sign up for this great giveaway
Enjoying Everyday Life – Television Show | Joyce Meyer Ministries
great message from Joyce today, Stop waiting on somebody else to have the job of making you happy, this is true in so many ways, she made me think how many times to we walk past the flower section in the stores, ever wonder why we don’t buy ourselves flowers LOL today I have plans on rearranging & organizing my office & perhaps when I buy groceries I’ll pick up a bouquet of flowers for my desk, not because I deserve, them, not because it’s my birthday, not because I don’t love myself but simply because flowers make me smile & I love them & when someone ask why the flowers? I’ll smile & say because I’m worth it! LOL
this song has went over & over in my mind tonight as I ponder over so many things that’s happening in my family & all around me, I feel a stirring of God’s anointing taking place, changes are about to take place,God’s about to open doors in our ministry
S Scripture
Prov.9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy one is understanding
O Observation
Wisdom is defined as understanding of what is true, right or lasting, common sense, good judgment not to do desperate things
A Application
studying & being knowledgeable of the the word will give us the wisdom to use good judgment when faced with obstacles in our lives
Ps..49:3 My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.
P Prayer
Lord open the eyes of my heart , fill me with the knowledge of they word as I study to be able to show myself approved
this is day 9 of proverbs in 31 days hosted by Mom's Tool Box
He walks in the footprints of God
His shoes are greatly worn
From the time he was a child
Heaven knew a pastor had been born
A new church to be founded
Empty pews to be filled
Lost souls to be saved
A humble man to do his will
He walks in the footprints of God
Choosing the straight and narrow
He cares not for his own glory
He is content in the Master's shadow
So he lifts his hands in praise
Falls to his knees in prayer
Embraces every opportunity
The Lord's words to share
He walks in the footprints of God
Heaven's doors his destination
Never minding the unpaved roads
That lead to eternal creation.
Lisa J. Brown
A Pastor's Heart
A pastor’s heart is Protective
and guards his flock from Satan’s snares.
A pastor’s heart is Attentive
and seeks to know his people’s cares.
A pastor’s heart is Sacrificial
and for his sheep will give its all.
A pastor’s heart is Tender
and listens to the Spirit’s call.
A pastor’s heart is Obedient
and heeds the Master’s commands.
A pastor’s heart is Reflective
and considers he is but a man.
Deanna Malawy
Okawville, Illinois, USA
The Proverbs in 31 Days begins Tuesday
sign up to join in on reading proverbs in 31 days with Amy over at MOM’S TOOLBOX, click the link above to sign up
Amy also has an outline you can use along with your reading
(From Amy’s blog)
Read the passage and find the one thing I believe God is telling me that morning. Then I journal about it using the acrostic SOAP as a guide.
S: Scripture-Write the ONE scripture that I feel God is using to speak to me in today’s reading
O: Observation-What might He be telling me with that scripture?
A: Application-How can I apply it to my life?
P: Prayer-What is my prayer to ask God in helping me to make that application?
Amy is also host to
I will not be discouraged
To be sad or to cry
I refuse to be downhearted
And here's the reason why
I have a God who's mighty
Who's sovereign and supreme
I have a God who loves me
And I am on his team
He is all wise and powerful
Jesus is his name
Though everything is changeable
My God remains the same
My God knows all things happening
Beginning to the end
His presence is my comfort
He is my dearest friend
When sickness comes to weaken me
To bring my head down low
I call upon my mighty God
Into his arms I go
When circumstances threaten
To rob me of my peace
He draws me close unto his bosom
Where all my strivings cease
And when my heart melts within me
And weakness takes control
He gathers me into his arms
He sooths my heart and soul
The great "I AM" is with me
My life is in his hands
The son of the Lord is my hope
It's in his strength I stand
I refuse to be defeated
My eyes are on my God
He has promised to be with me As through this life I trod
I'm looking past all my circumstances
To Heavens throne above
My prayers have reached the heart of God
I'm resting in his love
I give God thanks in everything
My eyes are on his face
The battle's his, the victory's mine
He will help me win this race
(author unknown)
that word discouraged means to deprive of confidence,hope,spirit, to hinder, ohhh how many times have we had our hearts set on something only to get our spirit crushed, our dreams crushed, there's am old hymnal that goes I will not be defeated I will not be defeated no I'll not be defeated anymore.... that’s a great history that comes with the older songs,when we sing do we know what we’re singing,, do we believe what we’ re singing or is it just a song, God has a plan & a purpose for each & every one of us & one of those things is not to be defeated (Jer.29:11) For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord,plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future
For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.
1 Corinthians 14:33
And the Lord answered me and said write the Vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it, for the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie, though it tarry, wait for it for it will surely come it will not tarry
In this chapter God is encouraging Habakkuk not to give up on the vision he has given him, to hold on, to keep believing in chapter 3 vs. 17-19) Habakkuk is praying that no matter what comes he will believe & rejoice in the Lord
(vs..17 ) although the fig tree shall not blossom,neither shall fruit be in the vines the labor of the olive shall fail and the fields shall yield no meat,the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the stalls(vs.18) yet will I rejoice in the Lord I will joy in the God of my salvation (vs19)The Lord God is my strength and he will make my feet like hinds feet and he will make me to walk upon high places to the chief singer on my stringed instruments
no matter how it looks around him, even when it looks all is lost & the vision is nowhere near coming to pass , he still decides with a made up mind to worship & praise God for the vision
Has God given you a vision, does it seem a far off, remember what God said
write it on your heart, mediate on it, for faith is the substance of things hoped for
do you have a vision, run with it! stand on it , let no one deter you from believing in it
God’s timing is not our timing, if he spoke it, it ill come in due season, our job is to keep believing, to keep looking for it
even though it looks near imposable,wait for it, keep standing tall in your faith, run with the promise God has given you, keep it on your heart, praise him for it & thank him in advance for bringing it to pass
If you’ve never been to the Miracle Theater in Pigeon Forge Tenn.I encourage you to go,last week when a group of us ladies from church were in Chattanooga we decided to go in between conference times & it was a 2 hour drive from where we were attending the conference, getting us back to the hotel around 1:30 am & having to be at the conference the next morning at 8:00 but boy was it worth it!four women running on 4 hours sleep & trying to get ready in one room was a hoot to!
this is their final season they say the expense to feed the animals is getting too expensive so I’m returning this next coming weekend with my husband as we’d talked about going for years , so I get to see it again yea! when I made the reservations it only let me choose 2 rows putting up way up on row K but when I called & asked what does open seat mean on the site they asked would I like to be closer & bumped me down 5 rows to center F whoo hoo!
After walking around the yard today seeing what else needed to be done ,I noticed flowers that’s never been there before , we’ve been here about 22 years & today’s the first I've ever seen of these flowers, perhaps the tornado blew some seed my way but I’d like to think Jesus sent me flowers today ,there were the sweetest purple ones at the corner of the yard
around the propane tank there were the sweetest little white ones, like tiny daises where the tree took out my blueberries , morning glories has popped up, I looked up morning glories & found they are the symbol of a new day,
we’re still making repairs from the tornado but we are blessed & a new day is coming, I laughed as I thought of how many times I‘ve tried to get a nice flower bed going & all of a sudden these flowers appear everywhere, the thought came to me “Jesus gave me flowers today” I took it a step further & found
Solomon 2 :12
The flowers appear on the earth the time of the singing of the birds is to come & the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land
some of the best things in this life are free, John 8:36 says if the son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed
look around you & see the beauty God has placed in your life, embrace all the “free things” that make you smile
has God gave you a dream?
are you seeking after his will in your life?
have you achieved what he’s called you to do?
Deut.28:1 and it shall come to pass if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God,to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above al nations of the earth
Please be in prayer for Renee Swope author of the ongoing online Bible study, A Confident Heart , her father passed away along with other things in the family, our hearts & prayers go out to you Renee, for more info visit http://reneeswope.com/2011/09/just-in-case-you-are-wondering/
no matter what comes my way & a lot has been coming this past weekend, I still rejoice for this is the day that the Lord has made(Ps.118:24)
as my husband is preparing to have to go out of town for the week, our water line decides to burst & there’s no help in sight till Wed. so I learn where the little knob is to turn on/off the water which is not fun, it’s deep into the ground & out on the main road for all the world to see lol,if that’s not enough he turns from that project to go gas up my vehicle hummm batteries dead , soo with the battery charging a book I recently bought comes to mind
no matter what the enemy throws at me there’s no denying I’m still blessed, we began to talk about how this is nothing compared to the tornado we just came through & that by the grace of God we’re still here,life will always throw things our way & not every day will be perfect but God is the same yesterday today & forever, as long as I have breath I will praise him, he will send the right people to fix the water that will give us the best price *for the Lord shall be thy confidence and shall keep thy foot from being taken (PROV:3:26)I refuse to be defeated this coming week, I still have breath to praise him, I am still able to go into my secret place where he calls me friend , I still can rejoice in his goodness, I can still feed my soul through his word, yes because I still say YES LORD it will be a great week!some of my favorite chapters in Psalms are:
Hi Helen...It is me again.
I have tried to leave a message on your blog, and just like a number of blogs I try to leave it message on it says I do not have access to this blog, I suppose it means to leave a message.
Here is what it says....
Your current account (followJesuslove@yahoo.com) does not have access to view this page.
Anyways, I have had a number of blogs that say this, so I don't know if it is in your Settings, or what. I wish I could leave you a comment...but at least I can email it to you. :)
Here is my comment I was trying to leave....
Hello Nanna...
That is a nice bible study you are doing/following on line! I am taking a Beth Moore bible study now at my church, and my two daughters and their friend are also taking it with me. My daughter in law is in Iraq and we sent her the workbook also, and she is also doing it from there. :) The Word is our Manna, and it 'tastes' soooo goooddd! Yummy! LOL
Cathy is owner of
thanks again for bring this to my attention, it’s all corrected now on all of my blogs
God Bless!
Melissa Taylor’s online Bible Study
This study started Monday, there’s still time to get your book & join in, you can download the first chapter on the main site http://melissataylor.org/
Discovering new things can be both fun and a little scary. This study is all about discovering how God’s promises can remove doubt and insecurity from our lives. It’s going to be so exciting! Get ready to discover how amazing you are and how God intended for all of us to have confident hearts filled with His love.
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. Hebrews 10:35-36
Sunday: Get ready! Have your A Confident Heart book, Bible, journal or notebook, pen, highlighter, and anything else that you will need ready. Pray for your heart and ask God to speak directly to you as you do this study. Pray for the other women all over world who are participating in this study.
Monday: Read the foreward and acknowledgments sections of the book. Write our verse of the week in your journal/notebook and on a few notecards so you can post them in various places. Begin reading this verse daily with the goal of memorizing it by the end of the week.
Introduce yourself to the group on my blog. In the comment section write your name, where you are from (if you are comfortable sharing that), and why you signed up for this Online Bible Study. Keep it simple and brief please I can’t wait to meet all of you!
Tuesday: Read Chapter 1, Discovering the Shadow of My Doubts. Use your highlighter to mark in your book things you may want to look back on later. Write in your journal your thoughts on the first chapter. *Verse of the week~ Hebrews 10:35-36. Work on memorizing it.
Wednesday: Complete #1-3 of the Reflection and Discussion Questions on p. 27. Record your answers in your notebook. Visit Melissa’s blog for encouragement. *Verse of the Week~ Can you say it with your eyes closed? Give it a try!
Thursday: Complete #4-7 of the Reflection and Discussion Questions on p. 27. Record your answers in your notebook. Visit Melissa’s blog for sharing insight. *Verse of the Week~ Believe it!
Friday: It’s Vlog day! Don’t know what a Vlog is? It’s a video message that I’ll post on my blog So visit my blog today because I have a word or 2 for you! Also use today as a catch up day. If you still need to read or answer any of the study questions, you can have today to do that. *Verse of the week~Say it! If you’ve learned it, write it in the comment section of my blog. Learning God’s Word and hiding it in our hearts is one of the best ways to move towards that God-confidence we desire!
Saturday- I hope you have a fabulous weekend! What are you up to today?
meet the Author: http://reneeswope.com/2011/09/just-in-case-you-are-wondering/
join in on Face Book http://www.facebook.com/MelissaTaylorsOnlineBibleStudies
How’s the new look? I just knew blogger was determined to never let me put a background on this blog awww but the good sense of a sister lol I call her up & say hey get on line & go in & see if you can add me a background, before it was over she was in & changed all three of my blog backgrounds whoo! hoo! now to dress up the side bars & maybe add tabs across the top, I’m also figuring out You Tube,hopefully soon you’ll run across me on You Tube lol I am excited about what God is about to do with this ministry
I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America;
and to the republic, for which it stands;
one nation, under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
A blogger friend mention how she though to research 9:11 scriptures http://smellingcoffeetoday.blogspot.com/
what a great post! I love to research scriptures & meanings of words etc as well so I went through the chapters & in the very beginning God makes a covenant with man sealed with a promise with a sign of the rainbow, every time we see a rainbow after a rain we are reminded of God's promise Gen.9:11
throughout the word we read how it is important to be ready for the Lords coming as we see in ECC.9:11-12
I returned and saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong neither yet bread to the wise nor yet riches to men of understanding nor yet favor to men of skill but time and chance happeneth to them all
America still stands strong